Experience just how cultured

a basic life can be.

The Pigeon Loft Creative was started by four women who came together over their shared love of food, wellness, women’s empowerment and family.  The purpose of the loft is to provide safe SPACE for people to connect, inspire, share and empower one another with the belief that nourishing ourselves and our families will lead to a resilient and loving world. 

Current pigeon loft projects include: a podcast, retreats, educational food workshops, a local café, and a vision of communal space that honors the rich cultural history and future of Bozeman.

Pigeons have been the main source of inspiration for our coming together to share, create and nourish ourselves and our communities amidst the challenges of an increasingly fast-paced modern world. 

Pigeons symbolize the power of meeting the complexities of life with a radical simplicity.

They teach us the power and potential of embracing the feminine principles of gentleness over force and remind us of how much work can be accomplished in this manner. 

Pigeons are community-minded animals that prioritize their social connections and care for future generations. In fact, both male and female pigeons have the capacity to care for and nurture their young.

Pigeons lead with an open heart; their smooth and broad chests and the swiftness of their beating wings allow them to bring light to dark spaces, in efforts to clear and transform for all earth beings. 

Don’t we all need a little more pigeon in our lives? We think so.